Rabbit farming at home as a way of earning money in Nigeria

Using Immanuel Promxzy Rabbit Farm as a case study, there are many benefits of Rabbit. Rabbit meat is a white meat, and it is medically advised to be consumed any day, any time. This is because white meat has low fat, low cholesterol, and saturated fat, which is healthy for the body.
The more reason an individual gets into rabbit farming is due to its high demand. Rabbit produces one of the best organic fertilizers and organic pesticides. Some people don’t like to use poultry droppings on their farms because they’re hot and have a high level of minor acid in them unlike rabbit droppings that are cold due to the high nitrogen in them. You can actually apply it to your soil, and it will not burn down the plants.
The rabbit droppings also help to stabilize and restore the pH scale of the soil, especially for crops like pepper and tomatoes. Rabbit urine is used as organic pesticides instead of poisoning your farmland with chemicals or fertilizers. Currently, a litter of rabbit urine goes for #1200 because of its effectiveness to plant. The unique thing about rabbit urine is that it does not smell. For the fact that rabbit pee and poo in one spot makes it easy for collection of these droppings.
What to consider before rearing a rabbit
- Availability off grasses: Rabbits mostly feed on grasses, plants, and hay. You need to consider your ability to get them, e.g.; elephant grass, etc. Nevertheless, if you are in an urban area where you hardly see grasses, then you can go for pellet feed.
- Make sure you have a cage: A rabbit cage is different from a poultry cage. It has a net beneath it as the best so poo and pee can go down.
- Rabbits do not like noise: Rabbits are prey animals. They are very sensitive and easily scared that even generator noise can kill them. They can be found dead due to heart attack when kept in a noisy environment.
- Cold Area: Preferably, rabbits like a place that is cold and out of direct sunlight or a room.
Best types of rabbits to get
It all depends on the farmer’s motive. If you want meat for consumption, then get Hyla, New Zealand white/black, Halal queen, Standard American, or Californian rabbits because they all grow very big for meat consumption. The Flemish giant is actually the biggest species of rabbit, but they don’t survive in Nigeria.
On the other hand, if you keep rabbits as pets, then consider getting an Angora, Rex rabbit, or English spot. Note: Newbies in rabbit farming should not go for Hyla ng because they are very aggressive. Also, don’t go for Dutch rabbits, even though they can pass for pets, but they don’t grow fast.
Mistakes Rabbit farmers should avoid
Sometimes farmers want to administer drugs to their early rabbits, which is wrong. Rabbits don’t need drugs to be fine. Rabbits feed most on grasses, and most of these grasses are medicinal. Plants like paw-paw, Moringa leaf, or bitter leaf should be given to rabbits at least once in a month {Excluding pregnant rabbits}. This is because these plants are antibiotics and dewormers.
Feeding rabbits only on poultry feed is another mistake farmers make. Beware that poultry feeds are mostly made of bone feeds and blood feeds, while rabbits need more fiber. The lack of fiber makes rabbit poo have uneven shapes, rabbit poo should be rounder and drier naturally. Grass and vegetables are the best.
Keeping more than one rabbit in a cage except in a big room is bad. Rabbits above three months old should be one per cage to avoid fight which is dangerous because in this situation, the strongest one always bites off the weaker ones.
One advantage of keeping rabbits in a cage is that it helps them grow fast. They become comfortable and exercise as they like. Once in a while, bring your rabbit out so they run around to avoid illness. Note: Don’t sundry their feed; instead, air dry them.
How to multiply and stack up rabbit farms
This is very simple by starting with one mature male and two females. Rabbits gives birth in 30 days after crossing, and the more they give birth, the more their womb expands, e.g., the first birth may be five, while the second birth will be seven.
Rabbits that are three months old can get pregnant but may not have the motherly instinct to take care of their kids, which is another reason you should allow the female rabbits to be mature at least five months old before crossing. Don’t practice inbreeding as it causes deaths and will reduce the number of your rabbits. Instead, cross siblings from different sets and not siblings from the same parents from the same “sets.”
How to market and sell rabbits for massive income
Selling your rabbits is the easiest part of the business. According to Immanuel Promxzy, he has never had enough rabbits to meet demands for the past few years. Ranging from medical practitioners recommending white meat for their patients to individuals who enjoy consuming rabbits.
Medical students are also in demand for rabbits for their practicals and they buy in bulk. Sit-outs and restaurants all-around the town are also looking for rabbits that are mature and big {at least 3 kg} for their customers consumption. The Digital market has a long way to go to promote farmers that engage in rabbit activities, thereby securing customers for them.
This is very interesting and revealing.