How to start a chin-chin business with #10,000

There must be a passion for baking and cooking before one could think of this kind of business. Its one thing to learn some keys in chin chin production and another thing to become better in chin chin business.
How profitable is chin-chin business in Nigeria?
Profitability in a chin-chin business depends on the level of your operation. Some brands make millions of naira, while others make thousands. Those that are into big-time marketing supplying in hundreds and thousands can’t be compared to plastic packages supplying to supermarkets only or the small business owners.
One thing about the chin chin business is that one congo of flour with other ingredients can make two congos of chin chin. You can make as much as #2,000 to #2,500 depending on how much you sell your product. Sometimes when you produce in large quantity, you may have left over, which helps to increase your profit. For instance, if your standard profit is #2,500 for two congos of chin chin, but when you make it in large quantity, your profit will increase to at least #3500 with that same quality. Making one congo of flour and making five congos are totally different. The more chin chin you make, the more profit you accumulate, and the more left over you get after packing the normal quantity the customer demanded. Meanwhile, when you sell the left-over, you make extra profit on one congo.
How much capital is needed?
According to Otolcakesandchop, she started her chin chin business with #10,000 but earns massive income today. That’s crazy, right? Stay focused; let’s get to the end, guys! These were possible because in the chin-chin business you can always use the tools and materials in the kitchen. Example: A knife can serve as the pizza cutter; any flat surface can act as the board to roll your chin; your bowels in the kitchen can still be used instead of purchasing new ones; then you can advance as you make profits. The #10,000 is for the flour, butter, oil, sugar, and maybe for filling your gas cylinder. In the future, you can buy cutters and more advanced tools.
Process of making your chin chin
It is assumed you have already undergone some training on chin-chin production by now, but for emphasis, let’s throw more light. In the process, you need your flour, sugar, nutmeg, milk and vanilla flavor, baking powder, oil, water, and salt. Start by mixing them thoroughly, but if you are making use of eggs, which is optional, then your eggs come first. As you are mixing, make sure there is no solid form of butter anymore as you go ahead to add water. Cut them into smaller pieces, then use a rolling pin to give your desired shapes as you fry.
Branding and marketing your chin chin
The cost of plastic is a bit much currently, and some customers may not be able to afford your chin chin by the time you increase the price to cover up the cost of plastic, especially the students. You make use of customized nylon, bottle water just for a start, or zip locks, which are cheap and attractive.
Concerning where to sell your chin, include the gym, in a school, random places, etc. Just be creative in business, and your account balance will smile at the end of every day.
Mistakes to avoid in chin-chin business
Some brands have the feeling that the more butter, the more soft chin chin becomes, but if you are not careful, too much butter will make your chin chin soak oil. You just need the appropriate measurement of butter to make your chin chin have the best taste. Lastly, when the heat on your chin is low, cause it to soak up oil.
This is very educative and eye opening….thank you for this information ☺️